Community Agreements for Zoom

As more and more people work remotely, virtual communication platforms like Zoom have become an essential tool for many companies. But with these new communication platforms come new challenges. In particular, it can be difficult to establish clear guidelines and community agreements for Zoom meetings, which can lead to confusion, misunderstandings, and unproductive meetings.

To help mitigate these challenges, here are some community agreements to consider implementing for Zoom meetings:

1. Be prepared and on time: Just because Zoom meetings can be attended from virtually anywhere doesn`t mean that attendees should show up unprepared and late. At the beginning of each meeting, remind everyone to be on time and come prepared with any necessary materials or talking points.

2. Respect others` time: Zoom meetings can quickly devolve into time-wasters if they`re not properly planned and executed. Set a clear agenda beforehand, and make sure that everyone sticks to it. If an attendee goes off-topic, gently redirect the conversation to the agenda.

3. Keep distractions to a minimum: When working from home, it can be tempting to multi-task during meetings. But this can be very distracting for others, leading to a less productive meeting. Encourage everyone to focus on the meeting and avoid distractions like email, social media, or other work tasks.

4. Be respectful and inclusive: Virtual meetings can be more challenging for certain individuals, such as those who are hard of hearing or who do not speak English as their first language. Make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and be heard, and avoid interrupting or talking over others.

5. Use appropriate language and behavior: Just because a meeting is virtual doesn`t mean that the usual standards of professionalism don`t apply. Be mindful of using appropriate language and behavior, and avoid anything that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, or inappropriate.

By establishing clear community agreements for Zoom meetings, everyone can benefit from more productive and positive virtual interactions. Remember to regularly revisit and adjust these agreements as needed, and encourage everyone to participate in the process to ensure that everyone`s needs are being met.

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